Well, since wendy updated her blog, I guess I will as well. I guess I will start off with a dream I had last night.
So our church goes out to family camp in about 2 weeks, so thats what my dream was about. First off I was at my dads house and I was house sitting for him. It was apparently the last night I was to stay at his house because I was staying up really late waiting for them. They came home and said it was alright for me to go out to camp. I walked outside and saw this guy standing in the street looking at me, I walked to the stairs of my dads porch and had to look down to go down the stairs, when I looked up he was gone. I got in my car and went out to the camp. It wasn't really a camp but more of a small town, there were a bunch of buildings and some of them were stores and such. So I got my cabin assignment and went to go put all my stuff away. As I was walking out of my cabin I saw that same guy that was outside my house eating someone, he was biting this persons neck. I don't think I knew who the person was that was dead, some middle aged woman. But anyways, the guy says to me, you cannot protect her! So naturally I knew he was talking about Janet Dunivin, I don't know why I "knew" he was going to go after her, but you know how dreams are. So I start running to Janet (apparently I knew exactly where she was, even though I just got there and have not seen her yet) I run to this cabin and ask everyone where Janet is, they say in the kitchen, i run to the kitchen only to look into the window and see janet. I was like whew, I got there in time. then I realised that she was talking with someone standing right by the window I was looking in, it was him. I punched through the glass and grabbed him and yanked him outside. I had some amazing powers for some reason, I forgot to mention while I was running to find janet, I was running on rooftops. I remember thinking "why do I have such strength" I came to the conclusion that I was fighting a demon and God had given me these powers to battle him. So me and this guy had an epic fight, he was flying all around and I was doing flying knees and throwing him into buildings. So I won the fight by hitting him into the ground and stabbing him in the heart. Then I was really excited to go inside because it was time to play capture the flag. So I went inside. Dreams are weird.
But now an update on my life. Let's see, what is going on....... David and Karla got married, that was pretty sweet. Brian and Wendy are moving to Oregon, I would rather they didn't move but hey, you gotta do what you gotta do. Everyone can't stay around forever. Other than that I have been working out with larry, going to the gym is a pretty good hobby, I really enjoy the feeling of getting in there and making myself stronger.
So not that I take a lot of stock in fortune cookies, but I have recent received a few that have hinted to me that in the month of September I will meet the woman of my dreams. I mean, September just started but I have had my eye out so far....... I saw a really old woman in the car next to me on the way to work. I don't think that was her. I am looking around the office right now and I don't see her, just a bunch of married women. Oh well, I guess there is still a lot of September left.
Well, I should probably go now, I will just leave you with this picture: He is the man!