Wednesday, December 24, 2008

This Is Crazy

So I had a really wacked out dream last night. I was in an airport with Karla when I was like, man, this feels weird. Karla agreed with me that the last trip was much better. I said "Trip?" and Karla was like, yeah we just arrived in Montana. I was really confused and I thought, I did not buy a ticket to go to Montana, and Karla assured me I did. Then I remembered doing it. I bought a ticket to go see ashley buyse. But I was like yeah, this is really weird. Then we got on a bus and we were heading towards Billings and I said no! I have to get off, I have to be at work in the morning. Its my first day. Then everyone on the bus said no. Then I realized that the only people on the bus were me and ashley. I then figured this was a dream and I told her to hit me to wake me up. She did and I guess I thought that it worked because I was very relaxed. Then I got off the bus and it was hot out and I knew right then and there that I was still dreaming. I ran around looking for someone to help me because I really wanted to wake up. I found a girl with no legs and I picked her up and we started looking for help. I saw some people on a street and I ran up to them and some overhead speaker was talking about how civilization was going to return soon and the apocolypse was over. I then noticed that all the people I ran to were Michael J Fox. I picked up a piece of wood and broke it over his head. He just got up and smiled at me. So I was pretty scared. So I just started running. Thats all i remember. but man, it was crazy.

Today is my last day at my current job. Monday I start the new one and Im really excited!! COMMONAYAYHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. You have some bizarre dreams Adam. I had one last night that I wasn't at all ready for my wedding and it was only 10 minutes away!!! AHHHHH!
